Is Long term Insurance a Good Option?
Regular health insurance plans cover upto a year whereas a long – term health insurance plan tends to extend its cover for 2 to 3 years.
Regular health insurance plans cover upto a year whereas a long – term health insurance plan tends to extend its cover for 2 to 3 years.
Every individual have different requirements at various stages of life. There are many financial challenges for the current generation. 25 years of education, 30 years of work and rest retirement.
Insurance is something which people buy to protect themselves from losing money. In return, a person gets money if something happens to his insured thing or insured person. Mainly, there are 3 types of insurance.
Financial market is a virtual facilitation where financial instruments of various categories are purchased and sold. These instruments may include anything from securities and bonds and right up to forex and derivatives.
Shareholder value is the value delivered to the shareholders of a company by way of increase in dividends and capital gains for the shareholders due to the management’s ability to increase sales, earnings and free cash flow.
What is currency? Why does value of currency change? Read what makes currency strong and benefits of strong and weak currency, how to know the strength of currency.
Balance sheet shows state of company’s financial health. It means, what company is owning, and what company is owing. What company owns is asset and what company owes is liability.
The most common question that comes to the mind of a novice investor is whether he/she should invest in shares or in mutual funds? The answer to this is not that straightforward.
Earning money is important but safeguarding and managing it wisely is even more vital. Managing one’s finances systematically is very crucial. Planning and budgeting are important aspects of managing finances.
What is investment? Investment means invest your money in owning an asset or item which will generate income in future by increase in value of asset or item. We have lot of options to invest our money.